Thursday, October 05, 2006

Who is he talking about?

The Packers

So, I’ve started documenting some of my backpack trips and realized I’ve not introduced the players. I haven’t asked for their permission, so, except in the case of Ryan and K.C and Kali, I’m going to change names, to avoid whatever would happen if someone’s real name is used. These are just short bios of each packer and how we’re (they and I are) connected.

It is interesting to note, and important to remember, that neither myself or the people I backpack with are hardcore outdoorsmen/women. We have typical jobs and have typical lives – as typical as anything. Motivations – who knows? I cannot guess or infer motivations. Actions, though, show a passion for the outdoors from all of them.

(So, I’m writing this while sitting in a meeting – we’ll see what I say)

Me (Brian): 30 something. Born in Utah, served 2 year church mission in Okayama Japan. Smokin’ hot wife. 3 kids – 2 girls and 1 boy. Earned master’s in Instructional Technology and live for weekends.

K.C: 20 something. My younger brother. Working on fire science BA. Who knows where he’s working right now, but he’s single.

Ryan: 30 (almost 40) something. My sister’s husband. Sells houses and such. Has 4 kids, ranging from 15 to 1 year old.

Kali: 7, looking forward to 8. My oldest kid, one of two daughters. Smart, fun loving, and is totally at home in the outdoors. Especially likes taking pictures and fishing.

Seyi: K.C’s best friend, as far as I can tell. Every time we stop to eat in rural Utah, the girls hit on him and the men ask him where he plays ball – it’s so much fun to give him a hard time about that! He’s attending school also, earning some sort of BA.

Erik: my 30 something cousin. Has gone on one trip with us. Seems to like the outdoors but not to keen on backpacking with myself and the other misfits – not sure why . . .

Gregg: my childhood friend. He’s gone on one trip with us. Would like to go on more but work and other responsibilities keep him on a short leash (read between the lines, men)

Bryss: childhood friend. He’s gone on one trip with us. Writes the outdoor section of a Utah newspaper. The one trip he went on with us was while I was training for a marathon, running about 32 miles a week, and he still hiked me into the ground. Needless to say, I have not tried very hard to invite him on any other trips

Dug: my older brother. I’m not sure how old he is, but if he’s not 40 then he’s really close. He likes the outdoors but is working multiple jobs. And that, my friends, is a freakin’ shame!

Mike: my father-in-law. He went on the Yellowstone/Shoshone lake trip. Very comfortable in the outdoors but doesn’t feel like he can keep up with us on a regular backpack. He’s either using that as an excuse to not have to share a tent with me or he did not watch how slow Ryan is with a pack on his back

Sarah: my wife’s sister (my sister-in-law). I think she went on one trip with us because she had just been dumped by a boy. Now she’s married and lives back East. Too bad for her.

Michael: I used to work with him at NACT. This guy has a nose for direction and is a very accomplished woodsman. He hunts pretty much anything you can kill. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, I haven't changed any names. Hopefully I don't get sued.