Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I just found a very valuable tool – a UTM to latitude/longitude and vice-versa converter. You can find the directions at or download it at

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Davis Gulch III

Pre-trip log

K.C and I are going back to Davis Gulch. We decided to make the trip in March but I found out that my wife is running the Moab ½ marathon the weekend we had planned to go, so now we’re heading out sooner than expected.

This means that Ryan is not going, which is a disappointment. He has a boy scout camp this weekend and doesn’t want to spend two weekends away from his family in a row – very admirable!

You can see some pictures from Google Earth I took of the route we plan to take.

It might be cold, but that is a small price to pay to avoid crowds.

So, the weather is looking a little wet. We'll still go (if K.C can get Friday off), but sleep near the edge of the gulch instead of inside the gulch, just in case it starts to rain a lot.

I have yet to consider a trip ruined because of weather, although some trips have been unexpectedly wet and cold. Wouldn't it be great if the weather report was wrong about being wet instead of being wrong about being dry?!